
Terminal Templates

Foundation for terminal configuration
Able to configure multiple terminals in quick succession
Pre-defined templates available for each organization onboarded
When utilised correctly, templates can allow the ability for simplified automation

Terminal Provisioning

Provision a terminal with minimal attributes
Terminal templates can be used for quick terminal provisioning
Ability to provision a terminal and then initiate a subscription in your own pace

Terminal Software

View available software versions
Update the required software to a terminal

Subscription Management

Quickly apply services to multiple terminals
Easily apply service plans, data plan profiles and SVNs to terminals
Data plan profiles and SVNs bulk assignment

Billing Management

Ability to start, suspend and resume billing services
Retrieval of billing intervals
Suspend and resume traffic without billing impact


Terminal Configuration

Change configuration from assigned template
Add or remove SVNs
BGP Peer Type modifications
DHCP Range Configurations
Switch Port Configurations

Kafka Monitoring

High throughput data distribution system
Available publicly and uses TLS encryption for a secure comms channel
Multiple Stats / Statuses available